Thursday  Oct. 18, The Archie Bray Foundation  

9 am -noon   Simultaneous demos by Catherine White, Nancy Fuller, Linda Lid and Scott Parady

lunch break food trucks and reception for the presenters exhibition in The North Gallery

1 pm - 4 pm   Simultaneous demos by Lindsay Oesterritter, Shirobey Kobayashi, Julia Isidrez, and Sandy Lockwood

Thursday evening Oct. 18, Great Northern Town Center/Best Western

7 pm Keynote Welcome Address - Josh DeWeese

“Punters” exhibition and symposium firing results - social

Friday Oct. 19, Great Northern Town Center/Best Western

9 -10:30           “New Traditions”  podcast recording with Ben Carter and Tales of a Clay Rambler including Lindsay Oesterritter, Nancy Fuller, Robin Dupont, Zac Chalmers, Tristan Chambaud-Heraud, Shikamaru Takeshita, and Linda Lid

            10:40 – 11:10  Scott Ross – “Working Solid: Making and Firing Solid Ceramics”

            11:15 – 11:45  John Neely

 Lunch break – catered at Great Northern

             1 – 1:30   Sandy Lockwood - “Collaborating with Uncertainty - Towards Visual Complexity”

            1:30 – 2 George McCauley - “Earthenware Wood Firing”

            2 – 3:30           “Applied Aesthetics” panel moderator – Denny Gerwin, panelists – Linda Christianson, Shirobey Kobayashi, and Trevor Dunn


 5 - 8     “Rivers of Flame: Montana Tributaries” reception, Holter Museum of Art

6 – 9    “Emerging Ceramist exhibition” reception, Free Ceramics

Saturday Oct. 20, Great Northern Town Center/Best Western

9 – 10:30         “Education” panel, moderator - John Neely, panelists – Matthew Blakely, Pascal Geoffroy, Sandy Lockwood

            10:30 – 11       Catherine White “Seeds of Ideas”

            11:15 – 11:45  Daniel Lafferty “kilns”

 Lunch break – on your own

            1 – 2                “Education Part II: Aprenticeships, residencies,” panel moderator - Robin Dupont, panelists - Jody Johnstone, Scott Parady, Martin Tagseth, Tara Wilson

            2 – 3                Hideo Mabuchi “Materiality, Material Agency and Material Science

            3:15 – 4           Linda Christianson “Closing Address”

4:30 Train kiln unload at the Archie Bray Foundation


6:30 cash bar

7 Catered Dinner